A space to share resources, lesson ideas, classroom management tips, and fun activities to support young learners in their first school experience.

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Erica Yager

·23d ago

How to Prepare Kindergarteners for 1st GradeHow to Prepare Kindergarteners for 1st Grade

·23d ago
Hey everyone! I recently sent out a newsletter to our faculty and my students' parents, and I thought I'd share it here as well. Hope you find it a helpful guide to ensure your students (or your own child) are ready. 😊 Skills to work on for a Smooth transition to 1st Grade 1. Strong Number Sense • Counting forward & backward (1-20, ideally to 100) • Recognizing and writing numbers to 20 • Understanding basic addition & subtraction within 10 • Using ten frames and number lines 2. Early Reading Skills • Recognizing and writing all letters (upper & lowercase) • Knowing letter sounds and beginning to blend CVC words (cat, dog, sun) • Recognizing at least 20 sight words • Understanding basic punctuation (capital letters, periods) 3. Fine Motor & Writing Readiness • Holding a pencil correctly • Writing first and last name with correct letter formation • Cutting with scissors & using glue properly 4. Listening & Following Directions • Following multi-step directions • Listening to a short story and answering questions • Sitting for short periods & staying on task 5. Social & Emotional Skills • Taking turns and sharing • Expressing feelings with words • Asking for help when needed How Can You Help at Home or in the Classroom? • Keep learning fun, don’t overdo it or get stuck on one thing for too long! • Read every day & talk about books • Encourage your kids to become independent in small tasks (zipping jackets, opening lunchboxes) Wishing everyone a smooth and exciting transition! 😃

Charlotte Davis

·1mon ago

What’s the biggest shock about teaching 1st grade?What’s the biggest shock about teaching 1st grade?

·1mon ago
Hey all, I’m moving from another 2nd grade to 1st... not that big a change but never taught first grade before... what’s the one thing nobody warns you about that I NEED to know?

Megan Johnson

·2mon ago

How can I help my child develop social skills for 1st grade?How can I help my child develop social skills for 1st grade?

·2mon ago
Hi everyone, I’m a little concerned because my daughter has been struggling with making friends and sharing in kindergarten. She's very shy around other kids and tends to keep to herself, which is hard for me to see from the side. I noticed that she gets upset when it’s time to share toys, and sometimes she will even leave a group activity and look for a toy or something else she can play with by herself. I'm trying to find ways to help her get better at sharing and playing together with other kids, especially before 1st grade. Any tips would be extremely appreciated!!


·2mon ago

Difficulty in holding the pencilDifficulty in holding the pencil

·2mon ago
Hi, my daughter holds her pencil differently. What should we do? Is it important? Tnx.

Sophia Davis

·4mon ago

As a parent of an incoming 1st grader, what should I focus on?As a parent of an incoming 1st grader, what should I focus on?

·4mon ago
What should I focus on during the school year to best prepare my kindergartener for 1st grade? She already knows what’s typically expected at her level, maybe even a bit more. I just want to be sure she’s as ready as possible.. Are there any common skills you notice incoming 1st graders often struggle with that I could work on with her? 🙏