How to Teach Times Tables: Proven Techniques for Fast Learning

Discover proven techniques for teaching times tables quickly and effectively. This guide covers interactive methods, engaging worksheets, and tips to help students master multiplication with ease. Boost confidence and make learning fun with these expert strategies!

Many people remember struggling to memorize multiplication tables, wondering if they’d ever get them right. While memorization helps, relying on it too much makes learning dull and frustrating. The key is to make learning fun, interactive, and intuitive by spotting patterns and relationships. This article explores proven strategies and effective methods for teaching times tables with worksheets.

  1. Start with the Easy Ones
  2. Understanding the Concept of Multiplication
  3. Mastering the Tricky Times Tables (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12)
  4. Make it Fun and Interactive
  5. Practice Makes Perfect (but practice smart!)
  6. Addressing Learning Disabilities
  7. Developing Self-Confidence

Why are Times Tables Important?

Knowledge of times tables is one of the basic math skills that everyone needs and its knowledge comes with the following benefits. Teachers often use times tables worksheets for teachers to reinforce these concepts in the classroom.

  • Builds a Strong Mathematical Foundation: As outlined earlier, times tables are one of the most fundamental levels of more advanced maths. Without them, working with fractions and even doing long division will be more challenging.
  • Improves Mental Math Skills: Fast recall of times tables sharpens mental quickness and allows children to work more swiftly and accurately in problem-solving scenarios. This builds self-confidence and reduces the use of calculators.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving Abilities: knowledge of times tables frees mental space, allowing children to work on problem-solving without getting bogged down by basic maths. Engaging times tables worksheets for children can help make learning more enjoyable.
  • Increases Confidence in Math: Being good at times tables brings a sense of accomplishment that overflows to having a more optimistic approach to maths.
  • Real-World Applications: From calculating shopping bills to scaling up ingredients in a recipe, times tables are a key part of day-to-day living.

Common Challenges Children Face When Learning Times Tables

Knowing the problem is the first step to overcoming it. Here are some common problems children face when learning times table:

  • Lack of Engagement: The old methods, such as endless teaching times tables worksheets, can be tedious and discouraging.
  • Difficulty Grasping the Concept of Multiplication: Some children just can't get their heads around the fact that multiplication is just adding a number repeatedly.
  • Anxiety and Pressure: Rushing to get it done quickly can be stressful and hinder learning.
  • Learning Disabilities: Some children require unique approaches and accommodations to learn. Times tables worksheets for different learning styles can be especially helpful in these situations.
  • Inconsistent Practice: Inconsistent practice results in loss of memory and constant having to relearn. Times tables practice worksheets can provide the necessary reinforcement when used regularly.

Proven Tricks and Strategies for Teaching Times Tables

This section provides you with a close-up look at the most productive ways to make learning times tables fun and productive. Using printable times tables worksheets for classroom activities can significantly enhance the learning experience.

1. Start with the Easy Ones

  • The 1 Times Table: This is just the number itself. Point out the most obvious thing: any number of times one is that number.
  • The 2 Times Table: Present it as "double it." Show it visually using pairs of objects or illustrations. Connect it to counting in two's.
  • The 5 Times Table: This times table follows a very characteristic pattern – always ending in 0 or 5. You can show this to kids using a number line or a hundred chart to demonstrate it visually. Connect it to time (telling time using minutes on a clock).
  • The 10 Times Table: This is Another easy one! You just have to show that you on have to ass a zero on the end of the number you're multiplying by ten.
  • The 11 Times Table: The 11 times table is also easy to learn. You can begin by showing that numbers 1-9 are just the same number repeated. You can find many times tables games and worksheets online to help with this initial stage.

2. Understanding the Concept of Multiplication

  • Repeated Addition: The simplest concept of multiplication is that it is a repeated action of adding a particular number over and over again. You can show the kids that 3 x 4 is identical to 4 + 4 + 4. Use manipulatives such as blocks, counters, or treats to get your message across to them.
  • Arrays: Another way you can help kids learn faster is by showing them that multiplication can be done using rows of objects in columns. For example, 4 x 3 can be displayed using 4 rows of 3 objects each.
  • Number Lines: This is another effective way of showing kids the basic concept of multiplication. You can draw a number line to show that multiplication is simply making multiple jumps. For example, to do 3 x 4, start at 0 and make 3 jumps of 4 units each. Integrating times tables worksheets for home learning into this stage reinforces the basic concept.

3. Mastering the Tricky Times Tables (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12)

  • The 3 Times Table: Multiplication tables worksheets can be especially helpful here.
  • The Adding Trick: Once you know that 3x2 =6, you can work it out for 3x3=9, etc.
  • The Finger Trick: This is a wonderful visual clue. Hold up your hand. In order to work out 3 x 4, count up to the fourth digit and count up in groups of three to obtain the answer.
  • The 4 Times Table: Times tables worksheets for kids can be made more engaging with visual aids. Double, Double: Tell children that multiplying a number by four is doubling a number twice. So, for example, 4 x 6 is doubling six (12) and doubling that (24).
  • The 6 Times Table: Even Number Trick: If you multiply six by an even number, you will get a number with the same digit as the even number. So, for example, 6 x 4 =24 (each ends in a 4). On the other hand, The tens digit will be half the multiplier.
  • The 7 Times Table: The Nine-Square Grid: Draw a nine-square grid (such as a tic-tac-toe grid). Fill it in using the numbers 1 to nine, starting in the top-right-hand corner, working across to the left, then moving to the next line across. This grid can be used to work out multiples of seven. Customized times tables worksheets for individual learning needs can be useful for this tricky table.
  • The 8 Times Table: The Countdown and Count-Up Trick: Write 0 to 8 in order. Underneath it, put even numbers between 0 to 8 and repeat 0 to 8 again. This gives you all of your multiples of 8.
  • The 9 Times Table: The Finger Trick: Hold up both of your hands in front of you with palms towards you. To work out 9 x 3, count three of your fingers starting at the left-hand side and fold that one down. The fingers to the the left of the folded-down stand for the tens digit (2), and the fingers to the right of the folded finger stands for the ones digit (7). So, 9 x 3 = 27. The Tens Digit Trick: The tens digit of the answer increases by one each time, and the ones digit decreases by one. Also, the sum of the digits is always 9 (for example, 9 x 4 = 36; 3 + 6 = 9). Interactive times tables worksheets for home learning can incorporate these tricks effectively.
  • The 12 Times Table: Break it Down: Show children to break up the 12 times tables in a groups of 10 and 2 then sum thing up by adding to solve the equation. For instance, 12 x 4 is 10 x 4 = 40 and 2 x 4 = 8. So 12 x 4 = 48.

4. Make it Fun and Interactive

  • Times Tables Bingo: Prepare bingo cards containing answers to times tables questions. Say questions out and let children mark their answers on their cards.
  • Times Tables War: The same as card game of "War" except that players multiply number on their card and player having higher product is one to win. Times tables games and worksheets can provide variety and maintain interest.
  • Online Games: Leverage interactive online games and applications that allow fun learning of times tables (such as those on SplashLearn or other websites).
  • Songs and Rhymes: Use catchy songs and rhymes to help children learn times tables. YouTube is a great place to find songs and rhymes to use.
  • Flashcards: Use flashcards for quick recall practice. Turn it into a game by getting children to race to get their answers in a given time limit. Consider using different colors or pictures to make flashcards more engaging.
  • Real-Life Application: Include times tables in everyday activities. Get children to calculate the total price of different items in the shopping store or work out how many cookies to use for a party. Times tables worksheets for parents can assist in creating these real-life scenarios.
  • Rewards and Incentives: Reward children when they've learned a milestone or a given set of times tables.

5. Practice Makes Perfect (But Practice Smart)

  • Short, Frequent Sessions: Avoid lengthy, exhausting study sessions in favor of short, regular sessions (for example, 10-15 minutes a day).
  • Spaced Repetition: Reinforce learning by repeating times tables at increasingly longer time intervals to avoid loss of learning.Target Trouble Areas: Be aware of which times tables children struggle with and dedicate more time to working on those.
  • Mix Up the Approach: Use a variety of different approaches (for example, games, flashcards, times tables worksheets, etc.) to make practice fun and to forestall boredom.
  • Monitor Progress: Monitor improvement and mark achievements to motivate children to carry on practicing. Times tables assessment worksheets can help track progress effectively.

6. Addressing Learning Disabilities

  • Multisensory Approach: Use a multisensory approach that addresses more than one learning style (for example, visual, auditory, kinesthetic).
  • Divide Up the Task: Break up a large task into smaller, more digestible pieces.
  • Give Them a Boost: Offer one-on-one instruction and support when necessary.
  • Use Assistive Technology: Explore assistive technologies that can be used to help children with learning disabilities learn times tables.
  • Patience and Encouragement: Be encouraging and patient, and mark small victories along the way. Times tables worksheets with visual aids can be especially beneficial for learners with disabilities. Times tables worksheets for classroom use should always be inclusive.

7. Developing Self-Confidence

  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward effort and improvement, not just correct answers.
  • Focus on Strengths: Praise children for times tables that they know well and work forward from there.
  • Create a Supportive Environment: Develop a learning atmosphere that is low-pressure and non-judgmental.
  • Encourage a Growth Mindset: Teach children that their intelligence is not static and that their abilities can be developed through effort and repetition. Times tables worksheets aligned with curriculum standards helps provide children with the right material. Times tables worksheets with answer keys can also help increase confidence.


Teaching times tables is a combination of understanding, engaging methods, and regular repetition. By moving beyond repetition and applying the tips and methods we discuss in this article, you can help children gain a strong understanding of multiplication, build confidence in their maths abilities, and unlock their potential. Be patient, encouraging, and fun to learn with! Remember, the objective is not mere memory, but actual comprehension and application. 😊